Your Social Media Content Isn't Engaging: Three Key Reasons Why

Oct 23, 2023

 By Nancy Evans


Welcome to a chat about the most discouraging aspect of social media marketing – when people might not be engaging with your content. If you're wondering why your social media posts are falling flat, keep reading as I break down the three primary reasons that might be holding you back.

Lackluster Content

One of the main culprits for low engagement on social media is subpar content. I know we don’t want to think we might be putting out less than good marketing, especially if we’ve tried our hardest. But in today's fast-paced digital world, your content has to really stand out to capture your audience's attention.

If your content is uninspiring or fails to provide value, your audience will scroll past without a second thought. Creating posts that resonate with your audience and deliver real value is crucial in a world filled with automation and generic content.

Your content should educate, entertain, motivate, or engage your audience in some way. Remember, content can only be five things: motivational, educational, promotional, engaging, or entertaining. If it doesn't fall into one of these categories, it's time to rethink it.

As someone who handles content creation for my agency, I can't stress this enough.

Building the Wrong Network

Having a large network on social media is great, but it's equally important to ensure that your network is composed of the right people. Simply connecting with anyone and everyone you come across won't cut it if you want meaningful engagement that leads to sales and more.

Building the right network is essential. You can curate a specific network on platforms like LinkedIn, including ideal clients and valuable business connections. Once you've built this network, you must create content that speaks to their needs and interests. And don't forget to ask your network to engage with your content by including clear calls to action.

Failing to Provide Value

The third and final reason your social media content might not be getting the engagement you desire is the failure to provide value. If your posts are all about selling and pitching, your audience may become disengaged. People are more likely to engage when they feel they're gaining something from your content.

This is where providing value becomes crucial. You should aim to educate, inform, and guide your audience from mere learning to practical application. Sharing quotes and memes is not enough; your content should leave your audience better off and ready to take action.

Side note: If you're concerned about giving away too much, remember that anyone can simply Google information about anything. What sets you apart is your ability to curate and deliver valuable content consistently.

The Bottom Line

So if you're struggling with low engagement on social media, take a closer look at those three key factors: your content's quality, who’s in your network, and the value you’re providing (or not). By addressing these areas, you'll be well on your way to creating social media content that truly engages your audience and drives results.

For more help, don't forget to join my husband, Scott Aaron, at the upcoming FREE LinkedIn workshop, "Creating LinkedIn Content to Create Sales," from October 30th to November 1st, where we'll dive even deeper into these concepts.

Here’s the link:


Wishing you networking and marketing success!

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