Where do I start: 90 Day Sprint
Jan 28, 2019Entrepreneurs who usually focus on projects within 90 day time frames, are the ones who have the most success. Lets talk about how to get LASER focused for the next few months!
Step 1: THEME:
Start with an overall theme of what your 90 day sprint will focus on. Think of a theme, like a chapter in a book. This 90 day sprint is a chapter in your business book. For example, if you are brand new and you need to work on growing and increasing an audience, you could have a them of "visibility". Maybe you already have a business in place and you need to scale and automate, your theme could be "Systems". Maybe you are "launching" something! Once you choose a theme... you can choose the goals that you need to be doing...
To help determine a theme, think about what needs to be focused on right now... most immediately! What needs to happen now?
Step 2: SET GOALS:
First set 12 month goals then... break them into 90 day nuggets. For example, lets say your 12 month goals are to grow your business to $100,000 in revenue, create and launch a new group coaching program, grow your email list to 5,000, publish weekly podcasts, hire a virtual assistant.
Pick the top 5 that you would really like to accomplish and break them down into 90 day nuggets.
Since we know we want to make six figures in revenue, lets start by working on generating $5,000 base revenue per month. The goal for this is "recurring" revenue that can come from payment plans, consistent clients, etc.
The email growth goal, can be broken down by focusing on adding 1,000 subscribers. You can focus on creating an irresistible freebie to grow the email list.
For the podcast goal, we can publish 13 podcast episodes.
Lets take one of the goals you wrote down... $5,000 month revenue goal for residual income. You could have 5 clients that pay you $1,000 per month. What are action steps that you need to make that happen?
*Decide what the program or offer is?
*Write the sales page or invitation
*Create an application form for people to apply
*Make a list of dream clients that you would love to join this program......
(and so many more)
You can see this one goal can break down to so many small action steps to achieve your 90 day goal!
Do this with each of you overall goals and come up with small action steps for each 5 main goals.
Next steps are creating a specific strategy to attract, engage and nurture your clients!!! We can help you with this! www.byobagency.com :-)
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