What You Might Be Missing if You Are Facing Resistance When Coaching...

#byobagency #communication #entrepreneur #obstacles #coaching #coach Feb 14, 2022

Last year, as a gift to myself I became certified in NLP therapy. I wanted to not only up-level my coaching skills and be able to better support my coaching clients, but I also wanted to work through some of my own limiting beliefs.

During my certification, one thing that really stuck out for me during the training was when we started talking about coaching others. Specifically, it popped up that often when people are resisting our coaching and feedback, it's because we haven't done this ONE thing very well...

What is this one thing? It is building Rapport.

I don't know about you, but as a person who is very analytical and action-oriented, sometimes I honestly struggle with this. I love to go go go sometimes and tell people what they need to do, jumping into problem-solving mode and can often forget, this is NOT the best way to motivate others. You shouldn't push people. You want to guide them to aha moments and walk alongside them, listening along the way!

The same goes for leadership. Your team does not feel engaged and inspired when you are telling them what to do all the time. In fact, that will stunt their growth and development. Trust me, I've learned that lesson too in the past.

If you are coaching someone and you are feeling that resistance, they just aren't budging and you're not having very productive conversations. I want you to think about this... how can I deepen and strengthen this relationship and build better rapport?

Here are a few tips:
Be open and honest.

Meet people where they are at.

Want to learn more? Check out: www.thetimetogrow.com

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