What is With All the Ego?? Unveiling the Dark Side of Entrepreneurship

Sep 11, 2023

Article by: Nancy Evans-Aaron

Is it just me? Sometimes I go through life and there are “seasons” that emerge… sometimes little themes that arise and make me think, hmmm “What in the heck is going on here???”

Lately, the theme that Scott (my husband) and I have been seeing more and more is all around “Ego”.

Maybe you’ve seen in the news recently about the music artist Lizzo. She’s had multiple people come forward with allegations against her, alleging that she hasn’t been very kind to work with and doesn't treat her team members with respect. I’m sure much of the truth will emerge over time, but so very often we see people who have worked their way into success eventually let “ego” get the better of them. Which is why reports like this no longer shock us.

Scott and I recently had a surprising experience related to this topic. Someone contacted us online, frustrated about a course they bought and demanding money back. Quickly we realized they weren't our customer, but they actually bought a course from someone else with a similar name.

In fact, we even found and contacted the right person about the situation so they could resolve the issue and turn their upset customer into a happy one. The reaction of this “educator” really surprised us.

They laughed and didn't take it seriously. In fact. the verbal response was degrading, rude, and downright mean. They even made a joke of the unhappy customer AND us for caring about the situation. This business owner’s attitude and egoic behavior did not match who they were portraying themselves as online. And we were shell-shocked, to say the least. Who does that?

This situation had us scratching our heads thinking, “How in the heck can people treat others this way?” Because it’s really not that hard to be kind and to treat others with respect.

There have been many other situations we’ve seen, specifically around business owners treating their team poorly and entrepreneurs degrading others for where others are at in their business.

The emerging amount of inflated egos floating around out there in the world of entrepreneurship is unsettling to me. How have so many lost their way? Disconnecting from their businesses, straying from their humble beginnings, and treating their clients, team, and others poorly.

If you're experiencing ego yourself or have seen this in others, here are a few tips to keep yourself in check:

  1. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you’d like to be treated.

  2. Use the Communication Filter: Is what you’re about to say: Truthful, Is it Necessary, Is it Kind?

  3. Have Empathy: Try to put yourself in others’ shoes rather than just seeing things from your perspective.

And always surround yourself with people who treat others with kindness and respect. You are who you hang out with.

If you would like to learn more about our upcoming 5 day workshop, “The Personal Branding Blueprint” where we teach you how to get back to basics and to the revisit core of who you are and how you would like to show up online, check it out here: https://www.thetimetogrow.com/PersonalBrandIntensiveSept2023

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