The Path to Becoming a Business Expert: My Journey

Aug 21, 2023

As I reflect upon my journey as a business strategist, I'm reminded of the stepping stones and significant moments that have brought me to where I am today. It's often a question I'm asked: How did I become a business strategist? And more intriguingly, what does that role even entail?

The journey to discovering my passion for business strategy was not a linear one. It was a blend of self-discovery, pushing against norms, and embracing pivotal life events that led me to my true calling.

Only looking back now can I trace where I am now to the moment everything changed.

But first, the backstory. I always wanted to break free from the confines of small hometown life in southern New Jersey where I grew up. I was the first in my family to graduate from college, and the path ahead was uncharted territory.

As fate would have it, a college career assessment quiz pointed me into marketing. I had been considering being a pharmacist at this point, but this revelation resonated with me deeply. I had a natural affinity for both creativity and analytical thinking, which seemed to align perfectly into this plan.

So, I embarked on a journey working for companies, some very renowned, climbing the corporate ladder, and accumulating leadership roles. However, despite my achievements, there was still a lingering sense that something was amiss.

This realization was punctuated by several life-altering events, including the unexpected passing of my father and the death of a dear friend, my former high school sweetheart. These events became the catalyst for reevaluating my life. The idea of living in a perpetual whirlwind, working tirelessly with minimal fulfillment, began to gnaw at me. Fueled by the desire for more, I took a bold step forward: I quit my job without a concrete plan and plunged into the unknown.

Guided by my innate curiosity for marketing and business, I channeled this new energy into growing my own local business, which swiftly surpassed six figures. This experience solidified my affinity for business growth and strategy. And I applied myself there. Through rigorous training, research, and mentoring, I delved deeper.

It was during this period that I met Scott Aaron, a business consultant specializing in LinkedIn. Our partnership was transformative, opening my eyes to the world of personal branding and business consulting. The defining moment, however, arrived when I felt a resounding epiphany that helping others grow their businesses was my true calling.

And of course, we also fell in love and got married along the way…

My transition from a behind-the-scenes marketer to a business strategist was marked by a resolute commitment to becoming an expert in my field. Through my work with high-level coaches and consultants, I began to recognize that while every business is unique, they all share similar, basic foundational principles for success.

This revelation led to the birth of BYOB Agency, where I began to bridge the gaps I'd identified in various businesses.

With the support of Scott, our businesses evolved, and we established "The Time to Grow" brand together. This platform became the vessel for sharing our wealth of knowledge in business strategy and consulting. I often describe my role as a hybrid between a coach and consultant—providing not just guidance but also tangible action steps to drive real results.

One of the cornerstones of my philosophy is the importance of time freedom. Drawing from personal experiences and intentional planning, my partner and I successfully reduced our workweek to three days while maintaining our business growth. This shift was facilitated by strategic time blocking, intentional planning, and effective delegation. By taking control of our schedules and aligning our work with our values, we've found ourselves more productive and fulfilled than ever before.

The journey to discovering one's zone of genius is unique to each individual. To navigate this path, I encourage embracing childhood passions and seeking external perspectives. Reflect on the activities that brought unbridled joy before societal expectations took hold. Engaging with friends, family, and colleagues can also unveil hidden talents and strengths that may have gone unnoticed.

While the path may not always be linear, the key lies in experimentation and self-awareness. In my case, these revelations allowed me to find my true purpose as a business strategist, combining my passion for marketing, creative problem-solving, and helping others achieve their goals.

As you embark on your journey, remember that your unique experiences and qualities form the foundation of your zone of genius. Embrace the unconventional, challenge norms, and strive for authenticity—because within those elements lies the key to unlocking your true potential.

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