The Overlooked Pillar of Success: Prioritizing Health as an Entrepreneur

Feb 05, 2024

The Overlooked Pillar of Success: Prioritizing Health as an Entrepreneur

As entrepreneurs, we get consumed with day to day of business and run ourselves ragged trying to build our brands. But we overlook our most valuable asset in the process, our health. I learned this the hard way through my own health battles. I want to share my experiences to drive home why we must prioritize self-care despite our packed schedules.

My Struggles with Hypothyroidism and Cancer

I literally burnt myself out after working years in a job that left me drained at the end of each day. I used to have all the energy in the world and all of a sudden, I could hardly get off the couch. I had non-stop anxiety and stress, which ultimately led to me being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism (and Hashimotos). This led to major diet and lifestyle changes, which makes me feel like my old self again (energized and happy!). I also faced kidney cancer, thank God I had a CT scan and then an MRI to find it early.

Catching it early through screening saved my life. These battles taught me tough lessons about paying attention to my wellbeing and not taking it for granted. It also taught me the importance of preventative care.

Lifestyle Choices Shape Our Health

There is an old school thought that your genetics set the stage for your health and longevity.Shocking statistics shared by health expert, Peter Diamandis reveal that “only 7% of your health and lifespan is a function of your genetics”, which means about 90% is all about your lifestyle. We as entrepreneurs have the ability to safeguard our wellness proactively through nutrition, exercise, sleep and more. Small adjustments can make a major difference. On another note, with the choices we make….. In a study by the academy of sciences, of 69,744 women and 1,429 men, it was found that optimistic people live as much as 15% longer than pessimists. So making a mindset shift or two, in a more positive direction, can have a HUGE impact on your overall health, wellbeing and longevity of life.

Take Preventative Action

Given what I faced, I’m passionate about preventative health screenings. I recommend resources like: Lifeline Screening for various tests that catch chronic conditions early. Spotting risks provides the best ability to maintain our vitality.

Wellness Impacts Performance

We pour immense energy into our businesses. But ignoring personal health sabotages our potential. By confronting health issues proactively and optimizing habits, everything flows better. I urge fellow entrepreneurs to commit to self-care as a non-negotiable pillar of success. Our lives are too important to leave to chance. Prioritizing wellness pays dividends. I have learned time and again the hard way so you don’t have to.

Share your wellness tips in comments! and check out LifeLine Screening here:

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