The MOST Important Focus for 2024

Jan 29, 2024

I don’t know about you, but 2024 hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt like a rush of energy and overwhelm surrounded me all of a sudden, out of no where.

But what I realized…. was it was a rush of overwhelm around everything that I had been putting off. Everything that had been moved to the “back burner from 2023”.

Projects, trainings, plans and more. I felt prepared in December, just a month ago… why was I feeling so inundated with “stuff”?

It wasn’t until I read an Instagram post by Sarah Swain, Founder of MYM Business Community, that it truly clicked what energetically needed to happen in 2024 for myself and others.

The post said “Business owners that don’t focus on or prioritize actively healing (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) will struggle in their business, more than usual. Unresolved pain and suffering will present in ways that compromise energy and stunt forward movement and growth. There is no longer a choice but to commit to healing.” and “2024, will be largely based on the work within”.

This hit me at just the right time. All these things that were piling up and causing me to be triggered or overwhelmed, were all things I needed to address. They were things that I needed to do some inner work around, so that they would not continue to creep up cyclically.

I went through each thing that was triggering me and I created an action plan, here is how it went:


  1. Unfinished Projects…. Such as Getting My Sales Funnel Optimized: I had been putting this off for a while, but I looked at it and broke down what needed to be done. It was a hovering task on my to do list and caused me stress. I met with my team (thank you Christy and Charlese!!!) and we went through the current funnel, what was going well, what needed work, and assigned the action items that needed to get done. I took a look at my calendar and BLOCKED off the time to actually get stuff done. Result: Sigh! Feeling sooo much better, the ball is now rolling, I have support and time is now protected to actually get things done.

  2. Decision Fatigue: I realized upon cruising into 2024, that I had been experiencing a big case of decision fatigue. Making too many decisions can be exhausting and make it harder to get more important stuff accomplished…. Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, what to wear, what trainings to work on, etc.- So I sat down with my planner and started a new routine, on Sundays for the week ahead I now plan out what we are going to eat for the week ahead and I decide what comfy clothes I’m going to where (and I have fun doing it!). Result: Deep breath in and out! Wonderful! Not having to fly by the seat of my pants day to day and make simple decisions like meal planning or what to wear, surprisingly frees up a lot of my mental space! What kinds of things can you take off your decision making plate to free up some mental space?

  3. Emotions: When is the last time you checked in with yourself? Suppressing your emotions can be energy-draining. It is so incredibly important to check in on yourself and express feelings. Result: Yes! It feels so much better to communicate (and FEEL) your feelings to reduce their intensity and avoid physical and mental stress.

  4. Be Better: What I mean by this is, where do you need to be better? Are you frequently procrastinating things in your business? Are you ignoring things that need to get done? Are you avoiding learning about something you know will help you?
    All these questions bring me back to the whole point, the inner work we need to do this year.
    What do you know will help you level up?
    It’s time to put your two feet on the ground and start walking forward courageously in 2024.

What have you been avoiding, that you know you need to do? Comment below!

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