The Hidden Realities: What is Really Happening Behind the Scenes of Entrepreneurship

Sep 04, 2023

Article by: Nancy Evans-Aaron

As you scroll through entrepreneurial content on the internet… maybe you've seen lots of the following: Influencers posting pictures of themselves next to big fancy houses and cars. Entrepreneurs claiming that they can show you how to make six figures in 24 days (or hours). And people posting about their amazing million dollar businesses they started from nothing.

Ok, ok… we’ve all seen the glossy portrayals of thriving businesses and likely wondered how they did it and if they will share the secrets on how we could do that too. But have you ever wondered if they’re really making that much money? It’s time to peel back the curtain and uncover the financial truths that many entrepreneurs deal with behind closed doors.

The unfortunate truth is that many businesses aren't as profitable as they appear. But maybe they could be, with a smarter and more strategic business approach that would pave the way for sustained success.


The Mirage of Success

In an age where social media highlights only the best, it’s easy to get swept up in the illusion of success. Tons of entrepreneurs project an image of “success”, showcasing incredible office spaces and extravagant lifestyles. However, a closer look often reveals a different story….. a tale of businesses barely staying afloat, struggling to cover operating costs. These misleading narratives remind us that appearances can be deceiving and prompt us to question the true financial health of these businesses. Because being an entrepreneur is hard.


The Quiet Struggle: Low Margins and High Overhead

The harsh reality for many entrepreneurs is that their financials don't align with their outward image. To cover the cost of grand lifestyles and high-profile marketing endeavors, many businesses wrestle with tiny profit margins and exorbitant overhead expenses This leads to an unsettling disconnect between what is real and what is not!?!


The Rise of the Small and Mighty Business

While the online landscape may be peppered with fake affluence, a refreshing and authentic alternative is available… behold, the “Small and Mighty Business”.

The Small and Mighty Business that I'm referring to veers away from the conventional path. Instead of succumbing to the pressure of hiring a huge team way too quickly, posting inauthentic content, and costly marketing campaigns, a Small and Mighty Business emphasizes strategic resource allocation, operational efficiency, and a commitment to delivering amazing and authentic value…. with (wait for it) MORE TIME freedom as well!


Benefits of the Small and Mighty Approach

Financial Freedom: Small and Mighty businesses focus on putting real financial sense ahead of flashy "lavish" appearances. They make decisions in their business that make sense, they don’t invest in expensive software or programs that are unnecessary for their business growth. They are super savvy and understand the core functions of business and ways to build their business in a streamlined way.

This amazing duo of fiscal responsibility and smart resource management helps these entrepreneurs grow their profit margins to superhero-sized levels. The result? They don't just talk about financial freedom and steady growth….. they get to live it!


Flexibility: The lean nature of these businesses translates into increased time flexibility. With smaller teams and efficient processes, Small and Mighty Business owners enjoy greater control over their schedules, fostering an amazing work-life balance. *Fun fact: over two years ago Scott (my husband and I) started working 3 days a week following this approach and we haven’t looked back.

After losing several people who were very close to me over the years, I never lost sight of how important “time” is…. It's the most important asset we have because we can never get it back. So why not spend it with those you love and doing what you enjoy?


Resilience: The adaptability of Small and Mighty Businesses positions them as agile players in an ever-evolving marketplace. Their ability to pivot swiftly and stay grounded in real-time financial insights, enables them to navigate challenges resiliently with informed decisions.


Quality Over Quantity: Small and Mighty businesses know better than to try and do everything all at once. Instead, they concentrate on honing their offerings, providing immense value, creating an amazing client experience and ensuring that quality remains at the forefront. This focus on excellence fosters customer loyalty and fuels organic referrals.


Sustainable Growth: Small and Mighty Businesses lay the foundation for sustainable, long-term growth by steering clear of excessive overhead expenses while prioritizing profitability. This steady and measured approach ensures they're well-equipped to seize opportunities as they arise.

As we unravel the realities of entrepreneurial earnings, it becomes evident that the shimmering glimmer of success often masks true financial struggles that countless businesses face. This pressure to maintain a flawless image can create a fragile business model.


In Conclusion

That’s why the emergence of the Small and Mighty Business is so important. It presents an inspiring path forward. These businesses demonstrate that genuine success transcends superficial appearances, finding its roots in the solidity of the bottom line.

In the pursuit of financial freedom, flexibility, and sustainable growth, entrepreneurs can draw inspiration from the core values of the Small and Mighty Business model, redefining what it means to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

If you would like to learn more about this Small and Mighty Business approach, join us in our upcoming workshop, The Personal Branding Blueprint. This is my favorite 5 day workshop that I teach with my husband, Scott. We really go deep on getting clear with your messaging and business mission, as well as how to share it with the world. We dig into how you can show up authentically on social media and will be going over more details about how we run our businesses. You can click the link here:

If you would like to set up a discovery call and connect click the button below!

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