The #1 Problem Most Entrepreneurs Have

#byobagency #article #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #struggle #focus Jan 24, 2022

I've said it before and I'll say it again. HUMANs are creative beings. ENTREPRENEURS are hyper-creative beings.

We all have the ability to create new and different things (which is such an amazing blessing), but this blessing can also turn into a curse if we cannot discipline ourselves.

I find that there is ONE huge problem most entrepreneurs struggle with and that is finding a core focus and sticking to it.

I see it all the time, someone jumps into the world of entrepreneurship and they realize that they can create anything.... and they become consumed with different ideas and possibilities. This term is often coined "shiny object syndrome".

In order to stay focused and on track we MUST NOT be attracted by shiny objects. Instead, I advise you to buy a notebook or journal and note all these wonderful ideas that come your way down in the notebook. Save them for another day, when you are ready to take on your next project.

Stay on track with your core focus, this will give you clarity and mitigate overwhelm and frustration.

Don't be attracted by shiny objects! and save those ideas for another day <3

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