Mastering LinkedIn Messaging: A Guide to Effective Networking and Marketing

Jan 21, 2024

 My husband Scott and I just co-hosted a podcast on the changing landscape of LinkedIn messaging.  We explored how the common pitfalls of traditional messaging approaches are now less effective and even damaging. The platform has evolved, and it's essential to adapt tactics to remain successful.

The Pitfalls of Traditional LinkedIn Messaging

Many users still take an aggressive sales approach, sending long self-promotional messages or spamming connections with automated templates. While these high-volume tactics may have worked previously, they now often lead to strained relationships and missed opportunities. People are more selective with who they engage with on LinkedIn today.

Nurturing Connections: A New Approach

Instead of hard-selling immediately, it's crucial to nurture connections by building rapport and trust over time. Small touches like sending push notification messages for occasions, expressing gratitude to supporters, and inviting new connections to subscribe to your newsletter can foster positive ongoing relationships.

The Power of Newsletters on LinkedIn

Having an active newsletter is also hugely valuable on today's LinkedIn. The platform automatically invites new connections to subscribe, helping you engage your network by sharing insights. Following up with a personal thank you note to new subscribers opens the door for further conversations.

The Art of Booking Calls

When it comes to asking for calls, be more strategic - aim to book one quality call per day rather than blasting requests. Demonstrate shared interests and look to nurture promising relationships. Avoid over-eager pitches to ideal clients at first, networking horizontally with like-minded professionals can be more productive.

Learn More!

There are still so many insights to explore on optimizing a modern LinkedIn messaging and networking strategy. Join us at our upcoming free LinkedIn workshop to analyze examples and brainstorm ideas tailored to your business.

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