Journey of an Entrepreneur

Nov 13, 2023

Ever wonder what fuels the journey of an entrepreneur? For me, it was a mix of legacy, adversity, and the pursuit of freedom! Here’s my story…

A Legacy of Entrepreneurs

Growing up, entrepreneurship was in my blood. My grandmother, great-grandfather, and mom were all entrepreneurs. Their journeys weren't just stories; they guided me toward my entrepreneurial dream.

Turning Pain into Purpose

My 20s brought mental and physical roadblocks, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos (after feeling ridiculously tired and depressed all the time), which was also paired with the loss of several loved ones. I lost my North Star, and it was a wake-up call, leading me to realize that life is too short to be miserable.

Freedom & Flexibility

I envisioned a business that would break the chains of a typical 9-to-5. A venture where I had the autonomy to choose my hours, my team, and the projects that I was passionate about. I leaped into the unknown and looking back, I could have never imagined the realms of possibility it unfolded.


Why did you embark on your entrepreneurial journey? What motivates you to chase your dreams?

👇 Drop your story below, and let’s inspire each other!

#Entrepreneurship #BusinessJourney #Painintopurpose #purpose

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