How to Plan and Create Content: Step by Step Process for Coaches and Consultants

coaching entrepreneur organization Feb 12, 2024

Article by: Nancy Evans

When it comes to creating content, it is so important to have a simple process in place! And if you know me…. I LOVE my systems and processes :-)

I wanted to break down the basics, step by step how you can create content for your business. It feels so good, to know what kind of content you will be creating and being able to post it ahead of time. When you have a well-oiled process, the overwhelm of social media posting disappears and you can spend time doing things in your business that you have been putting off.

Here is where I start:

  1. A High Level Look at the Year Ahead! Take a look at your yearly marketing plan. What products or services do you plan to promote or launch each month. You should not be launching multiple things and confusing your audience. So each month should have a core goal and focus for what you are promoting.
    *tip: remember, it doesn’t always have to be a service or product. Your focus for the month, could be to increase your podcast subscribers or grow your email list by promoting your lead magnet (aka: free download).

  2. From there, you can plan out your quarters: For each quarter, I theme out each month, based on the workshops and programs we are promoting. For example, this month we are promoting our amazing social media scheduling tool, BYOB Social. So I am talking a lot about the importance of content creation and streamlining processes!

  3. Once you know your themes, brainstorm additional ideas for content that you can post: Take a look at industry experts in your space, see what content topics they are talking about that their audience is resonating with. Use AI tools like ChatGPT or, to get content ideas based on what you are promoting. You can even ask for SEO-optimized, engaging titles for your blogs and podcast episodes.

  4. Use your project management tool to organize your content. I use Trello and BYOB Social to organize the content I will be posting for the upcoming months. I have each week mapped out, the topic I will be focusing on, the types of posts I will be posting each day (ie: video on Monday, podcast promo tuesday etc). I create a place holder for each piece of content that needs to be created.

  5. I set aside one or two days to “batch out” my content. I set aside a day devoted to filming all my video podcast episodes, which becomes the content pillar for each of the weeks for the upcoming month, that I repurpose into other content (ie: quote posts, promotionial posts, entertaining posts, etc)

  6. I break out all the content into individual posts, create graphics and schedule them to BYOB Social across multiple platforms (it’s AMAZING).

As the years have progressed, I have hired a team that helps me with each part of this process (which has also been a game changer), but I had to create the process to get everything moving!

How are you currently planning out and scheduling your social media content? Curious to hear what works for you?

If you’d like to check out our upcoming workshop, “Simple Content Creation” coming soon, we will be diving into this topic deeper and discussing how you can create a solid marketing plan, editorial calendar and actually make content creation fun. Check out:

If you’d like to learn more about BYOB Social, our social media posting platform, visit:

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