Feel Good Business Model: How To Run Your Business More Profitably With Less Stress

Mar 04, 2024

Article by: Nancy Evans

Ever felt like you're constantly chasing the next big thing in your business, only to end up feeling drained, stressed, and anything but happy? I've been there, and let me tell you, it's not worth it. That's why I want to talk to you about something that's been a game-changer for me and my husband, a little something called: the Feel Good Business Model. It's not just a buzzword; it's a real, tangible way to make your business work for you, bringing in the profits without unnecessary stress.

Let's dive into what this model is all about and how it can revolutionize the way you think about success.

What's the Feel Good Business Model Anyway?

Imagine running a business that actually makes you jump out of bed in the morning with excitement. A business that enriches your life, your wallet and your soul. That's what the Feel Good Business Model is all about.

It's about saying goodbye to the old school "growth at all costs" mentality and welcoming a more intentional, fulfilling approach to entrepreneurship. This model is your ticket to balancing financial success with personal well-being, giving you the freedom and flexibility you've always craved.

The Cornerstones of “Feeling Good” in Business:

  1. Chase Margins, Not Just Volume: The heart of this model beats for high-profit margins. It's all about finding those sweet spots in your offerings that give back more without draining your resources or your energy. This means you can say goodbye to the endless grind and hello to profitability with peace of mind. Stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on expensive software you don’t need and keep expenses low.

  2. Let Technology Be Your Best Friend: There's magic in automating the mundane. By embracing technology to handle repetitive tasks, you're not just freeing up your time; you're unlocking new levels of creativity and strategy that only you can bring to your business. It's about working smarter, not harder.

  3. A Small Team of Superstars: Forget about building an army. The Feel Good Business Model thrives on a lean, mean team of passionate individuals who share your vision. This approach cuts down on stress and expenses while boosting flexibility and innovation. It's about quality over quantity.

  4. Draw the Line: Clear boundaries are your best defense against burnout. Establishing firm lines between work and play ensures that you and your team remain creative, motivated, and balanced. It's not just about being productive; it's about being happy and healthy in your work and life.

  5. Your Well-being is Non-negotiable: At the core of this model is a simple truth: your business can only be as healthy as you are. Investing in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being isn't a luxury, it's essential. A happy entrepreneur leads to a thriving business.

Embracing a New Way Forward Switching to the Feel Good Business Model isn't just a change in operations; it's a shift in mindset. It's about redefining what success means to you and realizing that your happiness and health are integral to achieving it. This model isn't just for the dreamers; it's for the doers who dare to prioritize their well-being alongside their business goals.

As we navigate a world where the lines between work and life increasingly blur, the Feel Good Business Model shines as a beacon of hope. It promises a way of entrepreneurship that values joy, satisfaction, and well-being as much as profitability and growth. It's time to set a new standard for success—one where feeling good about your business is the ultimate achievement. Let's make the leap together and transform the way we work, for good.

If you want to learn more, join the waitlist to be notified when our new book, “The Feel Good Business Model”, is released here: https://www.thetimetogrow.com/FeelGoodBusiness

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