Crafting an Amazing Client Journey

Feb 28, 2022

I want to think about the last time you worked with someone. It could be a coach, it could be an agency or business and you had an amazing experience. What was it about your experience that made it so memorable? Chances are you experienced a client journey and didn’t even realize it.

Here are a couple examples of experiences I have had, working with others.

The first is when I hired Dubsado* expert, Christy Racho. When I came upon Christy’s website, I was searching on Google for a Dubsado expert. After trying to figure out Dubsado myself, I just plain needed help getting it all setup. The journey to working with Christy looked like this:
Step 1: I did a search on Google and found Chrisy. She had a beautiful, clean and professional website.
Step 2: I read her about me and learned more about the services she offered. She provided simple next steps to get started, with a simple “click here to set up a call”.
Step 3: When I set up the call, she had a form that asked a couple more questions about my business and the intention of our call.
Step 4: After setting up the call, I received a consultation questionnaire, which Christy asked me to complete prior to our call so that we could have a super productive conversation around the needs I had in my business. I felt even more confident about working with her because she had a nice structured process.
Step 5: After completing this form, I received a couple of reminder emails leading up to our call and everything was on my calendar so I would not forget.
Step 6: It took one call, with Christy for me to be certain I didn’t need to schedule calls with other Dubsado experts, she was my girl. She knew her stuff, she was professional and I fell in love with the journey she took me on.
…. But we weren’t done.
Step 7: I hired Christy. She sent me an invoice.
Step 8: After paying the invoice I received a wonderful welcome email laying out what it looks like to work together and next steps. I had no doubts, confusion or questions.
Step 9: I set up our first onboarding call, by choosing a time that worked best for me.
Step 10: We had the onboarding call and got started!
The journey continued until my Dubsado process was built out and I was a happy camper, because I now had created my own journey with Christy’s help.
* Dubsado is a CRM, many coaches and consultants use to track clients and leads and automate processes during the onboarding process.

Here is another story. I hired Aby Blum Sudds, a technology manager, after seeing a Facebook ad she had posted. She spoke about identifying the metrics you need to measure in your business each week, to ensure you have a solid pulse of what is going well and what is not. My journey looked like this:
Step 1: I saw her ad and clicked out of curiosity. I visited her website and clicked on her social media and liked her Facebook page.
Step 2: I went about my business and moved on to something else.
Step 3: I saw additional content that week that Aby posted, it reminded me of the importance of measuring key metrics in your business.
Step 4: I visited Aby’s website again and I booked a call with her to learn more.
Step 5: I received a confirmation and reminder email of our call.
Step 6: I met Aby and hired her on the spot, because of her knowledge, experience and clarity around what she provided.
The journey working with Aby was simple, streamlined and made me feel confident in the investment that I made to work with Aby.

My goal for you is to craft your client journey so that your clients feel confident about hiring you. Creating a client journey will also allow you to create a scalable and repeatable process, which will save you brainpower and time. It will also ensure that you give every new client this special experience.

Steps to craft your own client journey:
1) When people hire you what do you want next steps to look like?
2) Map out each part of the process.
3) Fine tune this process as you work with clients each time!

If you'd like to learn more, join the waitlist for my new book, where I discuss this in more detail, here:

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