Crafting Your Elevator Pitch

#branding #engagement #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #socialmedia Apr 18, 2022

An elevator pitch is a short speech (about the length of an elevator ride, hence the name) to pitch what it is that you do, who you help, and what sets you apart. It is a longer version of your USP and business statement.

Goal: To create a short speech that is about 30 seconds or less, that will tell your ideal client why they should work with you.

Why is this important?: This is a great speech to have prepared, especially during networking events when you are meeting a lot of people, for podcast interviews, and for promotional content such as Facebook ads. A good elevator pitch will have the power to convert a stranger into a believer of your product or service.

What you can do with this information:
-Networking Events
-Explaining to Your Family What You Do (and Others)
-Promotional Content
-Pitching your product or service

To create your elevator pitch, I will break it down into 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Make an introduction
Introduce yourself to your audience. Just as if you were getting on an elevator and saying hello to a stranger for the first time.

Example: "Hi, I’m Nancy, I’m a Personal Branding Expert."


Step 2: Identify a Problem
Think of the problem your client is experiencing, that you can help them solve. What are their pain points and frustrations?

Example: “As a busy coach you may be overwhelmed and exhausted when it comes to creating social media content. You know you need to show up consistently online, but you don’t even know where to start.”


Step 3: Propose Your Solution
Now it’s time to discuss how you solve that problem for the client.

Example: “As a busy coach you may be overwhelmed and exhausted when it comes to creating social media content. You know you need to show up consistently online, but you don’t even know where to start. Well, I’ve figured out a way to streamline the process to make it simple and even fun!”


Step 4: Explain Your Unique Advantage Over Others

Share what sets you apart from others, what makes you different. You can use your USP statement here!

Examples: “As a busy coach you may be overwhelmed and exhausted when it comes to creating social media content. You know you need to show up consistently online, but you don’t even know where to start. Well, I’ve figured out a way to streamline the process to make it simple and even fun! Unlike other coaches, I have over 4 years of social media experience and have helped high-level coaches create thousands of pieces of content, that has set them apart as the expert in their industry and helped them become more visible online. I have done this through a unique process I have developed which takes one pillar piece of user-generated content and breaks it down into many different pieces of value-added content. It allows you, as the coach to showcase you as the thought leader and share value and expertise all while removing the frustration of having to create lots of different pieces of content and schedule it across multiple platforms. We do all of this for you in the services we offer at BYOB Agency! The content creation becomes simple and streamlined, and allows you to share value with your audience consistently each week.”


Step 5: Answer Any Questions They Might Have
After you share your elevator pitch, thank your audience and ask if they have any questions. It is common to have questions. Answer any of these follow-up questions and use any feedback to help optimize your pitch in the future.

Examples: "Thank you for your time, if you would like to learn more you can visit (insert your website). Do you have any questions I can answer for you?"


Exercise: Now it’s your turn! Set a timer for 30 minutes and craft your elevator pitch:

Step 1: Make an introduction
Introduce yourself to your audience. Just as if you were getting on an elevator and saying hello to a stranger for the first time.

Step 2: Identify a Problem
Think of the problem your client is experiencing, that you can help them solve. What are their pain points and frustrations?

Step 3: Propose Your Solution
Now it’s time to discuss how you solve that problem for the client.

Step 4: Explain Your Unique Advantage Over Others
Share what sets you apart from others, what makes you different. You can use your USP statement here!

Step 5: Answer Any Questions They Might Have

Yay! If you have taken the time to complete this exercise you should now have a powerful little pitch to deliver your coaching services in a clear and simple way that your clients will understand.

In next week's episode we are going to dig into creating a sales funnel!

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