Why You Need a Content Strategy

#contentstrategy #socialmedia #personalbranding #marketing #audience #socialmediaplatform Nov 01, 2021

If you are posting on social media, you need a plan.

Don't just pick ideas out of the air and post. You need a strategy.

It's important to have a strategy because:

1) It gives you direction- You can choose where you want to get to and work backward, by planning out content to get there.

2) Brand Consistency- Contrary to popular belief, it is not a bad idea to talk about the same thing again and again and again. If you want to become an expert or know for something, then stay consistent. This also helps you align with others and make it easy for them to share what you do with others...

3) Unify your message and values

4) Efficiency when creating content- When you have a plan, you can be more productive with creating content

Without a strategy, you don't have clarity... which means you may not be achieving brand consistency.

If you would like to learn more about how to create a solid social media content strategy, LET'S CHAT!

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