3 Tips To Crush it This Year

Feb 16, 2022

3 Tips to start planning for the upcoming year:

One thing I know about entrepreneurship is that (especially early stages) you are juggling many hats... CEO, HR, Operations, Marketing, Client Relations, and sooo many more!

It is vital to your business to plan out and strategize your business goals.

3 Tips to get a head start on 2022 to do this are:

1) Figure out your financials:

What is your income goal for the year? (for example: If your income goal is $150,000 for the year), work backward and figure out how much you will need to make each quarter, each month, and each week to achieve your goals. 

-How many hours a week do you want to work with clients? In order to achieve your income goals, do you need to raise your rates?

*tip: To figure out your hourly rate: Write down your income goal for the year divide it by the number of weeks you want to work this year, divide that by the number of days you want to work each week, and divide that by the number of hours you want to work each day.

-Look at your expenses: now is a great time to get an idea of what you are paying for each month, what subscriptions and software are you using, and how much are you actually profiting?

2) Plan out Your Launches:

- Do you have a course or service that you want to launch? Think about how many launches you will be doing for the upcoming year and plan them out. 

*tip: It is best to plan out no more than 4 A-Level launches each year (the launches that take a lot of time, money, and energy to execute), in between those launches you can plan out smaller events and service features.

-How many programs/products/services do you need to sell per month to achieve your goals? 

*tip: The rule of thumb is to multiply that number by 100, to figure out how many people you need (engaged and fired up) in your audience to convert to buying.

3) Plan out Your Social Media Content:

-Now that you have an idea of what launches you have coming up for the year, you can start planning content around them.

*tip if you are launching something you don't want to start promoting it too far out from when you are opening the cart. 4-5 weeks will be a good amount of time (any more and people may forget or lose interest). 

-Plan out content for the 4-5 weeks leading up to cart open.

*tip: 4 weeks out you can start talking about the problem you are solving with your service/product/course, 3 weeks out talk about the solution, 2 weeks out talk about the lies, myths and address any objections clients might have, 1 week out share testimonials, share your expertise and features/sneak peeks of your program/course, week of post content about course features and sales content.

If you are ready to crush 2022, let's connect!

Schedule a time here: https://calendly.com/byobagency/1-1-consultation?month=2022-02

If you would like to set up a discovery call and connect click the button below!

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